The T-627 Tape Applicator is designed to apply a wide variety of pressure sensitive tapes to flat surfaces. Tape strips can be applied continuously or short strips with gaps can be applied to each product as required. This tape applicator can be mounted over a moving product, conveyor or used on custom designed taping equipment moving the tape head across the product.
Accuracy and speed are dependent on product, tape and material handling. The product to be taped must be firmly driven under the taping applicator at all times to pull the tape from the applicator. Alternatively, the product to be taped must be firmly secured while the taping applicator is driven over the product. For optimum performance on non-rigid products, it is recommended that the sum of the tape strip length and inset length be greater than 2” (50 mm).
AeTee Digiplow
The AeTee Digiplow is a simple, table top based Folder Gluer for one or two plough folds. It can be connected to various Creasers available on the market and can be height adjusted to match a specific Creaser.