PACKAIDS, based in Berkshire, UK, have recently invested in a Compression Stacker for their Kluge OmniFold 3000. Adding a Compression Stacker to their Kluge OmniFold 3000 configuration is a perfect example of the flexibility of Kluge’s folder gluers, the ease of their unique modular “plug and play” system, and the ability of the system to evolve to meet the growing needs of the user.
Packaids originally installed their Kluge OmniFold 3000 in April 2016 and, according to Director Steve Hutton, it has been pretty much running at full capacity ever since. However, in order to widen the capabilities of the OmniFold even further, at the end of 2017, the decision was made to invest in a Compression Stacker which was installed on the machine in January, 2018.
Packaids’ Director Steve Hutton explains, “by adding the compression stacker, which provides necessary time and compression for successful cold glue applications, not only has it enabled us to use cold glue but it has also allowed us to get a much greater bond with hot glue as well”. He continues, “this versatility means that there are hardly any applications for which we cannot find a solution”. Hutton concludes, “Furthermore, the stacker flattens the work which results in a very neat and pleasing appearance when packed in boxes.”